Thursday, December 25, 2014

Menyayangi Adik Beradik Hingga Putus Nyawa

This uncle is always running errands and by 10ish am, he will be waiting on the opposite side of my small shop waiting for a taxi. I happen to be parking on his turf and he didn't realize I was still in my car when he stands nearby and put his things on my car. Looking through the side mirror, I decided to strike a conversation. 

This is really a short story.

I ask him how he was. He smiled and apologise for putting his things on my car. I actually said I am so sorry he had to stand and not slouch on my dirty car (rainy season).

I ask where he stays etc. Formalities.

Then I ask about the things he is buying. Everyday he is out. Small bags. Why not buy at one shot?
His answer is interesting.

He is the youngest of his 5 siblings. All are married with kids. Kids are grown up with family of their own. Some of their spouse passed away. But they all live nearby. All are old. "But I am the youngest." He smiled.

He goes out running errands for his old and mostly weak already siblings. They have different needs. Their finance are limited. "They all I have left...." he continues explaining he goes out every morning have his coffee at a nearby shop and run errands for his siblings. The only part of the day he goes out. Later part he goes home and share the township gossip. That is his routine.

Today he bought a bottle of cordial. I ask are they for expected guest? He laughed. He said this is really lame. One of his sisters yearn for cordial by red horse. He knows its expensive but its the best. So he bought a big bottle today. He wants to bring it back home and divided into 5 plastic container and gives it to every siblings. Just for taste. "Diabetes- so you cannot drink much of these"

I actually lost for words listening to his plan. He was proud of it. I was simply amazed at sibling love.

His taxi came and off he went.

I on the other hand was just awestruck over such amazing lesson I had just learn. Can I say at that age, there is a kid in you. At that age they look out for one another to that extent. Can I learn from this and share?

About sibling love.

I love my siblings very much. I will take care of my siblings.

Syed Azmi

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